Maggie Moodie RDH, BSDH

Educator - Designer - Gamer

Home Page

Hi! I'm Maggie

I'm a passionate dental hygienist with over 5 years of experience in dental hygiene education. I'm currently focused on innovative approaches to dental education, including designing game-based learning materials, and developing professional development courses.

Play with a Purpose

With a keen eye for problem-solving and a love for games, I've harnessed the power of game-based learning to revolutionize the classroom experience. My expertise in educational technology and game design allows me to create immersive experiences that inspire and empower. Ready to level up your teaching experience?
Explore my game-based learning solutions today!

Coming Soon!
Game-Based Learning Professional Development

"Easy Mode"
"Normal Mode"
"Hard Mode"

Coming Soon!
Molar Matches

Master tooth anatomy with Molar Matches! This engaging card game will help students learn and retain tooth numbers and locations in a fun and interactive way.